Author Topic: A Journey into Quantization in Astrophysics: A Collection of Scientific Papers  (Read 1698 times)


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A Journey into Quantization in Astrophysics: A Collection of Scientific Papers
Victor Christianto

The present book consists of 17 select scientific papers from ten years of work around 2003-2013. The topic covered here is quantization in Astrophysics. Writers also discuss other topics for instance Pioneer spacecraft anomaly.

The writers discuss a number of sub-topics, for instance the use of Schrodinger equation to describe celestial quantization. Their basic proposition here is that the quantization of planetary systems corresponds to quantization of circulation as observed in superfluidity. And then the writers extend it further to the use of (complex) Ginzburg-Landau equation to describe possible nonlinearity of planetary quantization.

Some of these papers have been published in journal form, but they were scattered around in a number of publications, so they are not easy to locate. So the writers of this book decide to collect them all in one book for easy reading. Other papers included here have not been published before in journal or book form.

The present book is suitable for young astronomers and astrophysicists as well as for professional astronomers who wish to update their knowledge in the vast topic of quantization in astrophysics. This book is also suitable for college students who want to know more about this subject.

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