Author Topic: Tempo English Version 2018, June 25 - July 01  (Read 1475 times)


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Tempo English Version 2018, June 25 - July 01
| June 28, 2018, 04:40:16 PM

2018, June 25 - July 01 --- Tempo

This week will witness the third wave of simultaneous elections after the 2015 and 2017 elections. But even before voters in 171 regions made up of 17 provinces, 115 regencies and 39 municipalities, can go to the polls to exercise their voting rights, several parties have already lost their candidates to corrupt practices. At least 12 candidates have been caught in sting operations conducted by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) between January and May. Blinded by the need for a massive amount of money to "buy" support, those incumbent candidates have resorted to illicit means.

In this game, political funds are needed for at least two purposes. First, to bribe nominating parties. A centralized candidate selection process has pushed candidates to frantically seek endorsements from party elites. While an endorsement is said to be worth a fortune, the "price" will be driven even higher when a candidate requires endorsement from several leaders of parties in a coalition. Except for public figures who are already popular among the public, this type of oligarchy produces only candidates who have the money to "buy" what they need.

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