Author Topic: Tempo English Version 2017, 19 - 25 June  (Read 1046 times)


Hero Member

Tempo English Version 2017, 19 - 25 June
| June 20, 2017, 03:50:14 PM

2017, June 19 - 25 --- Tempo

Conservatism is not an easy term to define. Some literature calls it a political understanding which maintains traditions and social stability, preserves existing institutions, and opposes radical change. In the religious context, conservatism is understood as the desire to preserve a 'pure' doctrine --- which originated from and was practiced by those who brought religious teachings hundreds of years ago. Conservatives also want religious teachings to manifest themselves in state law. In Indonesia, this latter stance can be seen from the growth in the application of Sharia inspired laws in many regions. Religious conservatism is also worrying when it rejects knowledge. The growth of the flat earth community and those who reject vaccines because they think it is abhorrent to the concept of divine destiny, are two examples. Conservatism is also dangerous if it gives emergence to individuals who go against the general consensus and laws.

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