Author Topic: Tempo English Version 2018, August 14 - 20  (Read 2308 times)


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Tempo English Version 2018, August 14 - 20
| August 15, 2018, 04:50:42 PM

2018, August 14 - 20 --- Tempo

It's time for the Indonesian Government to start taking seriously United States' threats of a full-blown trade war. President Donald Trump's administration seems ready to challenge not only trade-related issues through the World Trade Organization mechanism, but also revoking lower import duties known as the Generalized System of Preference for Indonesia. Three years ago, the US and New Zealand complained to the WTO about Indonesia's restrictive policies for the imports of horticultural products and animals and animal products from the two countries. On December 22, 2016, the dispute panel announced that 18 of Indonesia's measures were not in line with WTO principles and asked Indonesia to revoke them.

Indonesia is clearly in the wrong because it did not fulfil its policy obligations as set by the WTO by the first deadline of July 22. America was angered, and asked for authorization from the WTO Dispute Resolution Panel to delay the granting of trade concessions to Indonesia in relation to the dispute the US had complained about. The US also asked Indonesia to make a retaliation payment of US$350 million, or almost Rp. 5 trillion.

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« Last Edit: August 15, 2018, 04:52:19 PM by songyou »