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Messages - mahoni

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From / Welcome to forum
« on: July 27, 2012, 08:57:34 AM » is a Mobile Application Developer company from Indonesia that uses iOS Apple as the operating system.

As a mobile application developer, is would like to participate to give some more portfolios in their expertise. By the raise of mobile gadget nowadays, truly believes that there will be millions of applications for this technology in future times. Hence, this brings a mission for to create as many as they can applications that can be accessed by the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch users. believes that the technology of mobile gadget will be continuously growing among times and it will make bunch of opportunities for those who want make something different to be the brand new application.
By holding some valuable experiences in the field of Internet Promotion, is now ready to make their own history track in the field of mobile application. It is not deniable that those two components will be strongly giving any good impact in one and another. 


My Personal Pillar / Re: My Personal Pillar Pro
« on: July 27, 2012, 08:52:18 AM »
"My Personal Pillar Pro is THE FIRST book/application that enables the user to self-assess the overall state of his/her Personal Balance = Spritually, Intelectually, Socially, and Physically.

This interactive book is made based on the ideology, one individual = one Personal Pillar. If you take care of your Personal Pillar, it will take care of you. It is guaranteed!  This concept originated from an author in Indonesia, with more than 10,000 fans/followers on BOTH facebook AND twitter.

Each person's unique pillar has four sides that need to be of the same height, and in relative balance, to support that individual's Life Goal. To build a solid Personal Pillar, there must be a solid foundation, and, the only way to achieve this is to coordinate the mind and body to produce the desired Action. Coordinated Action, coupled with the Personal Pillar concept serving as a ROAD MAP, will definitely help anyone to reach their goal.

Without realizing what kind of personal pillar you have right now, you may not know what you need to start working on.  For example, if you want to have a happy family, you cannot be socially strong, but intellectually weak, and physically unwell. Likewise, being intellectually strong but spiritually and physically weak may not do much for your long-term well-being. Whatever your goal in life, having a balanced Personal Pillar will help you reach and support your goal.

My Personal Pillar Pro is an application for iPad and can be download in the AppStore now. By downloading this interactive workbook, everyone can self-assess the state of their Personal Pillar. This app also serves as a workbook, with parts that users can type into as a Personal Success Diary.  Additionally, this app/book will show the user the CURRENT state of his/her Personal Pillar, based on the self-assessment that the user inputs throughout the workbook section.

After all, Life's ultimate mission is to be the best, and most-balanced, version of ourselves. Before you can do that, you have to know the starting point. This app will show you the area of relative imbalance (if any) in your life, and it will serve as a Personal Success Diary for the long term.

Now, the question is: How balanced is YOUR Personal Pillar?

Find out NOW on :

My Personal Pillar / Re: My Personal Pillar Pro
« on: July 27, 2012, 08:46:11 AM »

Capture From iPad

My Personal Pillar / My Personal Pillar Pro
« on: July 27, 2012, 08:43:33 AM »
"My Personal Pillar is based on the ideology, one person = one pillar. If you take care of your pillar, it will take care of you. It is guaranteed!

Each person's unique pillar has four sides that needs to be of the same height, i.e. balanced, in order to support that individual's Life Goal.

The four sides of everyone's pillar are:


To build a solid pillar, there must be a solid foundation, and, the only way to achieve this is via the Mind->Body->Action! a.k.a. Mindytion! philosophy.
You might have heard about "The Secret" and "The Law of Attraction," which describe the power of the mind, in attracting the universe to give you what you desire. This is all fine and good.

But, if you want to be SURE and really get what you want, and, can MAINTAIN it for the long-run, you need to commit to a course of ACTION.

Action, and the Single Balanced Pillar concept serving as a roadmap, will definitely help you reach you goal.

Without realizing what kind of personal pillar you have right now, you may not know what you need to start working on.

For example, if you want to have a happy family, you cannot be socially strong, but intellectually weak, and physically unwell.

Likewise, being intellectually strong but spiritually and physically weak may not do much for your long-term well-being.

Whatever your goal in life, having a balanced pillar will help you reach and support your goal.

Now, the question is: How balanced is YOUR Pillar?

Asian Recipes / Re: Asian Recipes Book Collections
« on: July 27, 2012, 08:40:06 AM »

Asian Recipes Digital Newsstand, The Taste Of Asia

Asia, is the world's largest and most populous continent on Earth. There are million of races with multi ethnics, languages, customs and traditions within the societies. Imagine those richness of complexion are broke down into taste. It must be very rich, tasty and spicy in the same time.

Looking at the diversities among the people, we can now agree that Asia has particular taste in their menu. From those multi ethnics, there are million of tastes that we can make in the name of Asian culinary. Hence, This digital newsstand of Asian Recipes application is presenting a conclusion of some best Asian recipes that can be served easily at home.

Asian Recipes digital newsstand is include some of recipes based on rice, eggs, soup, cakes and more, that will continuously updated in times. These recipes are completed with high resolution pictures on every detail, clear method and simple ingredients. All those recipes were already tested before and it can also shared via email, Facebook and Twitter.

Asian Recipes can be free downloaded in iPad, iPhone and iPod touch. On every recipe that offered, there will be short preview before download and free samples available.

Asian Recipes digital newsstand, is the simplest way to taste the truly of Asia.

Check this out now on

Asian Recipes / Re: Asian Recipes Book Collections
« on: July 27, 2012, 08:38:08 AM »
Captures screen from Application :

Asian Recipes / Asian Recipes Book Collections
« on: July 27, 2012, 08:34:12 AM »

Download now from :

Talking about Asian culinary, we must broke down the types into some categories according to the countries and the cultures that inhibit this continent. The major types can be defined as East Asian with the origin come up as Oriental cuisines or the root are taken from Imperial China, and now also come up from Japan and Korean. In Southeast Asian, we can take it from Cambodia, Thailand, Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Laos and Viet Nam. While, South Asian are encounter from  India, Burma, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and British India well as several other countries in this region of the continent.

By the richness that Asian have in their culinary, it already brings the taste in all over the world, like in Europe or United State. In United Kingdom, Asian cuisines are popularly referred to South Asian cuisine. While, in United State and Australia it refers to East Asian, which is a Chinese, Japanese and Korean, and Southeast Asian cuisine.

In Southeast Asian, we are agree that these countries in the region are the very authentic user of herbs and spices for their culinary.  Foods in these areas of the world are flavored with various types of chili, black pepper, cloves, and other strong herbs and spices like turmeric, and cumin which are often used to make curries. Do not forget about the coconut milk, most of the countries use this ingredient for their cuisine.

For the cooking ingredients, Asian culinary are mostly use common meats include lamb, goat and chicken. Beef is less common than in Western. Pork is considered as a taboo food item by all Moslems and beef  is avoided by most Hindus. A variety of very sweet deserts which use dairy products is also found in Southeast Asian cuisines. The main ingredients to south Asian desserts are reduced milk, ground almonds, lentil flour. They rather pick coconut milk, wheat and sugar for the main ingredients.

Moreover, for carb consumption, most of the countries in Asia have something in common, which is, they use rice as the main carb consumption than any other product like potato. In some part of the region, they have particular bread but most of them have rice in every meal. In Indonesia, the people?s thought said that if they haven?t eat rice, it considered as they have not eat yet.

Asian culinary is also has soup for their menu. Asian soup is typical a thin soup and it uses broth for their soup. Moreover, Asian soup is always spicy and rich of ingredients like Tom Yam Gong soup from Thailand which has sour and spicy taste; or Lodeh from Indonesia that use raw jack fruit as main ingredient and uses coconut milk for the sauce.

By those richness of flavor, Asian culinary nowadays is become more popular in some part of the world. Hence, this Asian Recipes Book is accommodate that richness into a book, to enable those who want to learn and to cook the warmness taste into a table.  There will recipes for the most famous recipes from Indonesia, which is, Nasi Goreng or fried rice. There is also numbers of soup recipes from all the Asia, and some more recipes.

Asian Recipes Book will be continuously updated in time, aligned with the recipes that will also been added to complete the collections of the recipes. On every detail recipes, there will be high resolution pictures on it and an explanation about the ingredient that might rare, or even the history of the food.
Asian Recipes Book can be downloaded in Apps Store and can be use in both iPad and iPhone. This simplicity is designed to make the user will be easier to cook and to learn in their gadget.

Get Asian Recipes Book and explore the taste of Asia in your own plate.

Aa Gym's Corner / Re: Aplikasi Aa Gym Corner sudah masuk di AppStore
« on: July 26, 2012, 04:52:38 PM »
Tampak Capture dari Ipad :

Aa Gym's Corner / Press Release untuk Aa Gym Corner
« on: July 26, 2012, 04:51:36 PM »

Aa Gym meluncurkan aplikasi "Aa Gym Corner",  sebuah terobosan baru dalam berdakwah dengan memanfaatkan teknologi dari Apple !

Apa yang terjadi bila sebuah dakwah di lakukan secara modern?. Dikatakan modern, karena di kemas dengan ringkas, interaktif dan handy.

Menyambut kemeriahan komputer tablet yang kian berkembang saat ini, Daih kondang Abdullah Gymnastiar atau yang biasa di sapa Aa Gym, tampaknya menjadi ulama pertama di Indonesia yang mempraktikkan dakwah modern ini dalam sebuah aplikasi yang bisa di akses melalui iPad, iPhone dan iPod touch.

Adalah Aa Gym Corner, yang merupakan aplikasi digital berbasis dakwah modern yang berisikan kumpulan buku-buku & audiobook karya asli  Abdullah Gymnastiar.

Dilihat dari fitur yang terdapat di aplikasi ini, terdapat beberapa buku dari Aa Gym yang sebagian besar sudah terbit dalam bentuk buku cetak dan di transformasi menjadi bentuk digital ebook. Tak hanya buku, dalam aplikasi ini juga terdapat audiobook yang berisi rekaman dakwah dari Aa Gym dengan berbagai tema. Dari audiobook ini, koneksi dari konsep berdakwah secara modern  bisa terlihat.  Setiap orang yang pernah mendengarkan Aa Gym berdakwah pastinya senang dengan cara penyampaian beliau yang santai dan bersahabat. Dari hal tersebut, selain menjadi konsep dakwah modern, karya yang di luncurkan oleh Aa Gym ini merupakan hal baru yang sangat efektif, dimana para jamaah bisa membaca karya bukunya, sembari juga mendengarkan dakwah sang Daih dengan lebih nyaman dan personal. Audiobook yang di kemas pun, layaknya musik-musik di MP3 yang bisa di dengarkan dengan santai dan bisa di bawa dengan mudah, untuk di dengarkan berkali-kali pun tidak ada masalah.

Durasi dari masing-masing audiobook berkisar satu jam, jadi tidak akan heran jika nantinya akan banyak orang yang memilih untuk mendengarkan audiobook dakwah ini untuk menemani perjalanan mereka daripada melewatkan waktu dengan membaca koran.

Aplikasi 'Aa Gym Corner' ini bisa di download gratis melalui iPad, iPhone dan iPod touch. Di dalam aplikasi ini dilengkapi pula dengan deskripsi lengkap atau preview sebelum download dan contoh suara yang jelas dan jernih. Selain itu, bagi yang telah download aplikasi ini,  bisa dengan mudah di share ke teman melalui email dan sosial media seperti Facebook dan Twitter.

Terdapat sekitar 10 buku + audiobook yang sudah muncul di aplikasi ini, dan seiring dengan berjalannya waktu buku-buku dan audiobook tersebut oleh Aa Gym. Setelah semua karya tersebut di upload bisa segera di download oleh siapapun dari seluruh dunia.

Lepas dari semua keunggulan fitur aplikasi ini, hal yang paling menyenangkan adalah aplikasi ini bisa di download dengan mudah dari seluruh pelosok dunia. Mengingat banyak jamaah dari Aa Gym tak hanya datang dari Indonesia, maka jamaah dari luar negeri pun bisa dengan mudah men download aplikasi ini dan menikmati karya-karya dari beliau. Sekali buku atau audiobook pada aplikasi ini di download, maka seterusnya bisa dibaca atau didengarkan kapan saja, dimana saja dan oleh siapa saja.

Aa Gym Corner digital newsstand adalah aplikasi dengan konsep dakwah moden yang praktis dan terjangkau.
Download segera di

Aa Gym's Corner / Aplikasi Aa Gym Corner sudah masuk di AppStore
« on: July 26, 2012, 04:48:47 PM »
Aplikasi Aa Gym Corner sudah masuk di Appstore.

Bisa download langsung dari :

Icon :

Deskripsi :
Aa Gy Corner adalah stand toko buku yang khusus menjual buku-buku karya Abdullah Gymnastiar atau yang lebih populer dengan Aa Gym. Dalam setiap buku yang di jual di newsstand ini adalah hasil karya otentik dari Aa Gym sendiri, dimana berisikan berbagai hal dalam perspektif Islam. Dalam buku-buku ini pula, Aa Gym ingin membagi setiap opini nya dan menyampaikan setiap ajaran Nabi Muhammad dalam setiap aspek kehidupan.

Buku-buku yang di jual di stand ini akan terus bertambah seiring berjalannya waktu, baik dari segi programing ataupun jumlah buku. Selain itu, buku-buku yang di jual nantinya akan di buat 3 bahasa, yaitu Indonesia, Inggris dan Arab. Hal ini akan memudahkan bagi mereka yang mahir dan nyaman akan salah satu bahasa yang bisa di pilih.

Aplikasi ini bisa di akses melalui iPad, dan bisa di unduh di App Store. Lengkapi koleksi buku-buku Aa Gym ini, untuk memperkaya iman dan untuk mengetahui setiap ajaran baik yang ada di dalamnya.

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