Author Topic: New Digital Marketing Strategy, Online to Offline with Kiosk  (Read 8346 times)


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New Digital Marketing Strategy, Online to Offline with Kiosk
By Santoso Surato BSc., MBA

Consumers are moving to mobile and online content now, and every marketer in the world focus on content marketing to maximize their SEO and SEM. All strategies are to get visitors reach your website.

Is that really optimal? Or are we only serving the milenial generation? What about older generation than the milenial youth?

We deploy a new strategy to bring online to offline in digital marketing via kiosk, we deploy this kiosk on Surabaya Juanda airport with over 36,000 people passing by everyday. The result is quite phenomenal success: (1) visitors love it as offline kiosk is so fast, big screen and it gets the information that they need ? in a hurry!; (2) Online is good but during travel many dont have time to wait for the wifi to work and made worse with the small screen of their mobile devices; (3) Offline allows visitors to choose the information they want and have all the links send to them for reviews at their leisure time a the hotel later on. and are leading best travel portal in Indonesia for two years in a row, it?s part of technology group, for further information or joint business development please contact