Author Topic: ANUGRAH MINISTRY : Guard Your Family (English Version)  (Read 2674 times)


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Guard Your Family (English Version)

Are you looking for happiness and fulfilment in this life? Do you know that every individual has the right to achieve happiness? God has actually prepared a way for us to be able to reach it through our family. However our family can bring us one step closer to hell, but if we know how to guard it well, then it can also bring us a step closer to heaven. "Family is an instrument which God uses to execute His plan, therefore the devil tries very hard to destroy it. That is why we wrote Guard Your Family book," says Daniel Hendrata and Debby Catharina. The question remains would be how do we guard our family? In this book, you will learn a smart way to guard your family by guarding the four areas of life: MONEY, INTIMACY , COMMUNICATION AND FORGIVENESS

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