Indonesian Language Applications > Toko Buku
MAHONI.COM : Bagaimana Cara Menerbitkan Buku Digital?
Bagaimana Cara Menerbitkan Buku Digital?
Anda penulis, hobi menulis atau bahkan publisher buku, dan ingin menerbitkan buku dengan cara yang mudah? Anda BISA! Buku ini bisa anda dapatkan dengan gratis untuk tahu bagaimana caranya menerbitkan buku digital yang mudah, tanpa seleksi yang panjang dan langsung bisa di jual secara luas.
Buku ini telah tersedia di aplikasi toko buku, download disini
Aplikasi TOKO BUKU tersedia untuk iOS, Android, dan Windows
Free e-publishing sites allow you to self-publish your eBook at no cost at all. Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) is a free site that allows you to publish your eBook without paying a penny to the publisher. When you publish the eBook, you have the option of making it exclusive to Amazon's Kindle store for a limited time period. Your eBook will be included in the Kindle Owners' Lending Library allowing you to earn a certain percentage on sales. The website automatically converts word (Doc), Pdf, Html, and ePub format to Kindle's proprietary format. You can also use Calibre or Mobipocket eBook Creator to easily convert the eBook to the required format without paying any additional amount. The conversion software can rescale the font size to ensure that it complies with Amazon's specifications. It can also be used to give maximum exposure to your eBook on every free self- publish online site to give your work maximum exposure. It's a fact that anything that sounds too good to be true is probably not true, but there is an exception when it comes to publishing your eBook. Find great deals
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