Indonesia as we known, has dry climate in a year. Such as Afrika where has a large savanna, Indonesia also has this expanse savanna where now being managed well by the government. The Savanna named Savana Bekol, formerly known as Baluran National Park. Located in the east of East Java.
Savanna Bekol was claimed by three regency around, Situbondo, Banyuwangi, and Bondowoso. But, administratively located in Situbondo Regency. For you who wants to enjoy the sunrise here, you should arrive in ticket gate approximately at 04.00 a.m.
The ticket is not really expensive, with only pay IDR 20,000/person, you not only can explore Savanna Bekol, but it also a package for the entire Bama Beach. From the ticket booth, you will trekking for about one hour on slow speed, because you will pass rough road while find out many rocks. So, at 05.00 you will arrive at first point of Savanna Bekol.

Enjoy the sightseeing around, there also a tree that stand alone in middle savanna. The sun will appear behind the tree, and the crowd wildly deers will go out looking for their food. But don't be worry, the deers are not really wild. If you go closer to them, they will go run.
From first point you also enjoy the sightseeing of a Mount overlooking to the Savanna. Named Mount Baluran, it's where the park got its name. You also will attracted by animal's fossils that hang in a row of wood. Many people who's came to this place was not regret, so it's your turn to explore Savanna Bekol - Baluran National Park!