Author Topic: Majalah English Version  (Read 15147 times)


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Majalah English Version
| June 07, 2013, 02:34:53 PM
Aplikasi Majalah Indonesia juga menyediakan koleksi majalah-majalah berbahasa Inggris.
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Tempo English - Yap Thiam Hien: Uncommon courage
Reply #1 | June 11, 2013, 10:34:01 AM
HE was uncompromising and honest, traits that often put him at odds with the authorities. Born ethnic Chinese, he refused to change his name in order to become a true ?Indonesian.? His life was dedicated to defending those whose rights were trampled. He spoke at the Constituent Assembly, rejecting President Sukarno?s call to return to the 1945 Constitution, because it contained an offending human rights article, which was amended by the People?s Consultative Assembly, 50 years later. This is a report of a remarkable man of principle, willing to sacrifice everything for his beliefs.

Read more at Tempo English Magazine


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Re: Majalah English Version
Reply #2 | June 12, 2013, 12:04:19 PM
THE name of Priyo Budi Santoso, deputy speaker of the House of Representatives or DPR, appeared a few times during the trial. He was mentioned as having accepted a fee of 1 percent from a project to build a computer lab valued at Rp31.2 billion for an Islamic junior high school. Priyo is also suspected of accepting a 3.5 percent fee from a telecommunications project at the Directorate-General of Islamic Education in 2011.

Read more at Tempo English Magazine


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Tempo English - Business Behind Bars
Reply #3 | June 19, 2013, 12:04:37 PM
BEING in jail for graft and bribery has not deterred Muhammad Nazaruddin, former Democrat Party treasurer and lawmaker, from continuing his nefarious business activities. Tempo has found indications that to Nazar, as he is popularly known, life in prison has its rewards and modest restriction. He is able to conduct meetings at
will, goes out when he feels like it and worst of all, continues to rake in state funds by defrauding the government?s budget allocated for various development projects. Nazar has been so successful in conducting his wide web of businesses that he is regarded as a ?mafia boss? of the international class.

Find out the news only on Tempo English, June 17 - 23, 2013

« Last Edit: June 19, 2013, 01:57:10 PM by injid_semut »


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THE National Police traffic unit is once again involved in a massive procurement project:
the acquisition of vehicle license plates. Valued in the hundreds of billions of rupiah, the bidding is now being fought over by ?old players? whose case not so long ago led to the imprisonment of its main graft suspect, the traffic unit chief himself, Inspector-General Djoko Susilo. From Tempo?s observation, it?s always been the old players who ultimately win.

Find out the news only on Tempo English, June 23 ? 30, 2013


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Tempo English - Burning Questions
Reply #5 | July 08, 2013, 01:53:24 PM
A MASSIVE forest fire has been burning in Riau and Jambi for two weeks. The resulting smoke and haze reached Singapore and Malaysia, causing untold damage. Hotspots were detected in early June, but action was only taken belatedly. Yet more serious is that hotspots were found in concession areas of palm oil plantations and industrial forests and are suspected to have been deliberately started. Can these companies be made accountable?

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Tempo English - Agus Salim Truth And Nationalism
Reply #6 | August 15, 2013, 01:06:46 PM
The Sarekat Islam organization was the launching pad for Agus Salim?s political activities. He mobilized thousands of its members in the struggle against the Dutch colonial government, while keeping a wary eye on another political foe: the rising communists.

Find out more here at Tempo English


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Tempo English - Crude Greed
Reply #7 | August 20, 2013, 03:26:59 PM
The KPK nabbed Rudi Rubiandini at his home on charges of bribery. This Upstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Special Task Force (SKK Migas), has been accused of accepting as much as US$700,000 from Kernel Oil Indonesia, an oil trading company, in exchange of winning oil sales tenders. The anti-graft money is now looking the oil syndicate, which reportedly involves the big guns overseas.

« Last Edit: August 20, 2013, 03:29:03 PM by injid_semut »


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Tempo English - Pipeline To Plenty
Reply #8 | August 27, 2013, 11:35:12 AM
The Rudi Rubiandini bribery case was exposed by the anti-graft agency KPK while investigating yet another corruption crime: the misallocation of gas intended for fertilizer plants Petrokimia in Gresik and Pupuk in Kujang. The designated supply source?the Madura Strait Block, run by Husky-CNOOC?has been diverted to Bali, while the fertilizer plants will get their gas from the Tiung Biru fields or Jambaran-
Cendana, run by Pertamina EP Cepu. The people suspected in this questionable maneuver have been banned from leaving the country. What is the syndicate of brokers and agents like? Was the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry aware of this illegal transaction? Why does the name of former Energy Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro keep popping up?


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Tempo English - Soldier Of Fortune
Reply #9 | September 03, 2013, 03:38:22 PM
GENERAL Moeldoko, who was recently sworn in as the new TNI commander, admitted to owning Rp36 billion worth of assets?mostly in land and property. From a poor family, he charted his future by joining the army and mapping his upward mobility down to the smallest detail. Although marrying the daughter of a rich man may not have been part of his overall agenda, it provided a convenient reason to account for his wealth.

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