Author Topic: Out Launch Now! All About Bird Nest Application On iPad  (Read 19512 times)


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Bird?s nest is the food of the rich. The edible bird's nests are become the most expensive animal products consumed by humans. The nests have been used in Chinese cooking for over 400 years, most often as bird's nest soup or other variants of herbal and medical foods.

Scientific evidence shows the notion that the bird's nest can facilitate growth, replenish strength and vital energy, accelerate the recovery from disease and reinforce immunity. Moreover, the consumption of bird's nest during pregnancy can increase nutrition and improve the overall health of the mother and child and will give the infant a flexible mind., once again wants to share how this product is really brilliant to consume. That is why, this application have been made in order to show everything All About Bird?s Nest.

This application is a free downloaded for iPad user, and there will be description about the swiftlet, the nest, and the different of the types, the products and even the recipes for each product.

By this application, wants to take part to give healthy information to the people who concern to healthiness and the fact is, this is healthy.

All About Bird's Nest for iPhone version will soon launch. Download the iPad version on