Author Topic: Discussing My Personal Pillar Pro  (Read 15792 times)


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Discussing My Personal Pillar Pro
| August 07, 2012, 11:24:26 AM
Personal Balance = Spritually, Intelectually, Socially, and Physically.

Each person's unique pillar has four sides that need to be of the same height, and in relative balance, to support that individual's Life Goal. To build a solid Personal Pillar, there must be a solid foundation, and, the only way to achieve this is to coordinate the mind and body to produce the desired Action. Coordinated Action, coupled with the Personal Pillar concept serving as a ROAD MAP, will definitely help anyone to reach their goal.

Without realizing what kind of personal pillar you have right now, you may not know what you need to start working on.  For example, if you want to have a happy family, you cannot be socially strong, but intellectually weak, and physically unwell. Likewise, being intellectually strong but spiritually and physically weak may not do much for your long-term well-being. Whatever your goal in life, having a balanced Personal Pillar will help you reach and support your goal.

My Personal Pillar Pro is an application for iPad and can be download in the AppStore now. By downloading this interactive workbook, everyone can self-assess the state of their Personal Pillar. This app also serves as a workbook, with parts that users can type into as a Personal Success Diary.  Additionally, this app/book will show the user the CURRENT state of his/her Personal Pillar, based on the self-assessment that the user inputs throughout the workbook section.

After all, Life's ultimate mission is to be the best, and most-balanced, version of ourselves. Before you can do that, you have to know the starting point. This app will show you the area of relative imbalance (if any) in your life, and it will serve as a Personal Success Diary for the long term., A Mobile Application Developer