Author Topic: Welcome to forum  (Read 19982 times)


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Welcome to forum
| July 27, 2012, 08:57:34 AM is a Mobile Application Developer company from Indonesia that uses iOS Apple as the operating system.

As a mobile application developer, is would like to participate to give some more portfolios in their expertise. By the raise of mobile gadget nowadays, truly believes that there will be millions of applications for this technology in future times. Hence, this brings a mission for to create as many as they can applications that can be accessed by the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch users. believes that the technology of mobile gadget will be continuously growing among times and it will make bunch of opportunities for those who want make something different to be the brand new application.
By holding some valuable experiences in the field of Internet Promotion, is now ready to make their own history track in the field of mobile application. It is not deniable that those two components will be strongly giving any good impact in one and another. 

« Last Edit: August 02, 2012, 09:16:27 AM by mahoni »