Author Topic: Tempo English Version 2018, March 12 - 18  (Read 1238 times)


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Tempo English Version 2018, March 12 - 18
| March 14, 2018, 09:09:28 AM

2018, March 12 - 18 --- Tempo

It is the job of the police to discover the identity of the criminals in this network spreading hoaxes. This obligation should be carried out properly, so the police do not end up making baseless accusations, which would themselves count as false claims. The police claim to have discovered the people spreading the hoaxes operating in the WhatsApp virtual chat network called the Muslim Cyber Army. This group is known as The Family Cyber Army. Police investigators should be able to prove this accusation by finding evidence of a structured plan to spread hoaxes on a massive scale.

Digital chat platforms such as WhatsApp provide facilities that enable many people to join in group discussions. Members of these chat groups can post information, including hoaxes, which then spread to other virtual discussion groups. Not all these people have bad motives. After all, in cyberspace people tend to use hyperbole to attract the attention of others, for example when criticizing the government. It is here that the police must work extra hard to discover any links between The Family Cyber Army and criminal acts. Investigators must also seek detailed information about how the group functions, who is behind it and what its motives are.

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