Author Topic: Tempo English 2014, 10 - 16 Nov  (Read 2304 times)


Hero Member

Tempo English 2014, 10 - 16 Nov
| November 12, 2014, 01:57:07 PM

ANATOMY OF A MURDER EIGHTEEN years ago, Fuad Muhammad Syafruddin, a reporter for the Bernas daily newspaper in Central Java, was brutally murdered. But since the court acquitted Dwi Sumaji, a driver whom the police framed as the killer in 1997, the case remains shrouded in mystery. Yet forgetting a crime is a crime in itself. So Tempo?s special report is an effort to remember the mistakes of the past to end the culture of impunity.

Majalah TEMPO 2014, 10 - 16 Nov sudah tersedia di Aplikasi Majalah Indonesia.

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