Author Topic: Tempo English Version 2017, November 27 - December 03  (Read 1118 times)


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2017, November 27 - December 03 --- Tempo

The digital revolution is staring at us in the face and we must study this new development carefully. If we fail to prepare ourselves, Indonesia may become nothing more than a spectator and a market for imported products. The government must be smart enough to anticipate changes so that they can bring benefits: improvements to both productivity and welfare. This will be an immense challenge. The digital revolution is often dubbed as the fourth wave of the industrial revolution. The first revolution was triggered by the invention of the steam engine, followed by a revolution that led to mass production with electrical power. The third stage was brought about by information and electronic technologies. The government needs to draft regulations for all sectors affected by the digital revolution. In line with the e-commerce roadmap, the government should also provide incentives for small and medium-scale businesses. The digital economy clearly has the potential to spark economic growth. But we must anticipate it carefully because the digital revolution requires significant capital.

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