Author Topic: Tempo English Version 2017, 17-23 July  (Read 922 times)


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Tempo English Version 2017, 17-23 July
| July 20, 2017, 04:50:08 PM

2017, July 17 - 23 --- Tempo

Speculations about the motive behind the attack on Hermansyah should stop. There is a rumor that he was stabbed because of his statement on the alleged pornographic act committed by Islamic Defenders Front leader Rizieq Syihab, which was not in agreement with police findings. Another subsequent allegation posted on social media was that the incident was triggered by a feud about a woman. Linking cases in this arbitrary fashion will only lead to unnecessary problems. Hermansyah, 46, was attacked with a knife in the early hours of last Sunday. There were five perpetrators, four of whom have since been arrested. According to police, based on the statements of the attackers and Hermansyah's wife, the attack on the Jakarta- Bogor-Ciawi toll road was the culmination of an argument resulting from a glancing blow between Hermansyah's car and another vehicle containing the attackers. Going by the police statement and several facts that have been verified, the attack on Hermansyah was a purely criminal matter.

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