Author Topic: Tempo English Version 2018, December 11 - 17  (Read 1872 times)


Hero Member

Tempo English Version 2018, December 11 - 17
| December 12, 2018, 04:46:23 PM

2018, December 11 - 17 --- Tempo

Armed action by a group which killed 19 workers of Istaka Karya working on construction of the Trans Papua road in the Yigi district, Nduga, Papua, early last week, is a brutal act that cannot be condoned for any reason whatsoever. The same goes for the attack on the Indonesia Military (TNI) post near the shootout's location, which killed one soldier on duty. The whole of Indonesia mourns their deaths. But the government should not respond to the incident with another bout of violence. Handling the shootout case in Nduga has to be done by upholding human rights principles and the transparent and professional rule of law. The government has to take measured steps, and not take any excessive action.

The statement made by Sebby Sambom of the West Papua National Liberation Army, maintaining the Free Papua Organization was responsible for the murders in Nduga, should not instigate a military operation. Let the police do their work, collecting witnesses and evidence, that could help nab the perpetrator legally.

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