French Fries, mash potato or bake potato is not enough for you?
Instead of becomes mash potato or French fries, there are a lot of variant menus that we can make based on potato ingredient. Furthermore, those variants will be tastier and spicy for it cooks based on Asian taste that rich of spices.
Taken from the simple dish, these potato recipes will make different taste of potato that can be presented for family and events.
Hence, this 30 Potato Recipes application will inspire you more to get knowledge how to create dishes, based on potato ingredient. Every detail recipes in this application is completed by high resolution pictures and it already tested before.
These recipes are also can be shared from email and social network like Facebook and Twitter. This application is downloable for iPad andiPhone. This will enable you to access the recipe while make it properly in your kitchen.
Enjoy the richness, enjoy your potatoes on your iPad...
Check this out NOW on App Store