Author Topic: Tempo English Version 2018, August 28 - September 03  (Read 2413 times)


Hero Member

2018, August 28 - September 03 --- Tempo

It is imperative the central and regional administrations immediately straighten out their coordination in meting out assistance to the victims of the disaster in the island of Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. It has been one month since the first earthquake wrought damage on the island with a populace of 3.1 million, and aid has still not been divvied out proportionately. We still hear reports about evacuees left stranded with no adequate logistics available.

Assisting 400,000 evacuees and repairing 73,000 houses felled by the disaster cannot be conducted without proper coordination. Tending to more than 20,000 wounded and divvying out supplies to the families of more than 550 who are killed needs synergy and collaboration between the humanitarian organizations that have come out to Lombok in droves. The polemic about the status of the Lombok earthquake -- whether it is a 'national disaster' or not -- has also added to the muddle on the ground. To some parties, the shift in status is considered urgent for a better coordinated command center to be established.

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