- Total Time Spent Online:
- 2 days, 18 hours and 8 minutes.
- Total Posts:
- 254 posts
- Total Topics Started:
- 158 topics
- Number of Polls Created:
- 0 polls
- Number of Votes Cast:
- 0 votes
- 12 am
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- 11 pm
- News
31 posts of the member's 254 posts (12.20%)31
- Buku BSE (Buku Sekolah Elektronik)
29 posts of the member's 254 posts (11.42%)29
- Themis Reader
22 posts of the member's 254 posts (8.66%)22
- From Mahoni.com
14 posts of the member's 254 posts (5.51%)14
- Resep Nasi Goreng
11 posts of the member's 254 posts (4.33%)11
- Indonesia Maps HD
9 posts of the member's 254 posts (3.54%)9
- Toko Buku
8 posts of the member's 254 posts (3.15%)8
- Aa Gym's Corner
7 posts of the member's 254 posts (2.76%)7
- Majalah Liburan
6 posts of the member's 254 posts (2.36%)6
- Toko Buku Rohani
6 posts of the member's 254 posts (2.36%)6
- Toko Buku Kanisius
3 posts of the board's 3 posts (100.00%)100.00%
- Asian Recipes
4 posts of the board's 5 posts (80.00%)80.00%
- Best Soup Recipes
5 posts of the board's 8 posts (62.50%)62.50%
- Majapahit Heritage
3 posts of the board's 5 posts (60.00%)60.00%
- From Mahoni.com
14 posts of the board's 25 posts (56.00%)56.00%
- Resep Nasi Goreng
11 posts of the board's 20 posts (55.00%)55.00%
- Sparkling Surabaya
3 posts of the board's 6 posts (50.00%)50.00%
- Aa Gym's Corner
7 posts of the board's 14 posts (50.00%)50.00%
- Majalah Liburan
6 posts of the board's 12 posts (50.00%)50.00%
- Asian Potato Creations
4 posts of the board's 8 posts (50.00%)50.00%