Author Topic: Press Release Indonesia Map HD  (Read 15999 times)


Hero Member

Press Release Indonesia Map HD
| August 07, 2012, 02:42:12 PM
Have you ever been lost in the middle of nowhere?

If you think that conventional map isn?t that efective to show the way and get your step back on the track, you need something that more flexible and convenient, yet guide you into the right way.

Indonesia Map HD is your answer to get you back on the right track.  In this application, there are 33 maps showing the 33provinces that Indonesia has, there are also maps for the big cities in Indonesia and some islands, popular destination and special for Bali island. Moreover, Indonesia Map is also accomodated by high resolution maps that can be printed for your personal map while you are enjoy your sweet escape.

Now, you do not need to be worry to get lost, for Indonesia Map can be your personal guide when you deciding to go travel around Indonesia. is a professional mobile application developer that wants to always up dating the innovation to make other applications that  worth in store and can be use for some advantages for those iPad, iPhone and iPod touch user., A Mobile Application Developer