Author Topic: Press Relaese : Hotels In Yogyakarta  (Read 16389 times)


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Press Relaese : Hotels In Yogyakarta
| May 02, 2013, 04:40:04 PM

Yogyakarta is famous by the rich culture and the heart of Javanese art, tribe and the way of living; including the famous Batik cloth, Wayang or Indonesia traditional Puppet, or anything about the Javanese cultures are lies in this exotic region.

The most commodity from Jogja is coming from the tourism, which is mostly coming from the cultural and historical site around Yogyakarta, like Borobudur temple, prambanan temple, the silver handicraft center, batik center or famous Malioboro street that becomes the heart of Yogyakarta.

To support the need of recreational things in Yogyakarta, the accommodation is also increase. In fact, there are numbers of star hotels and non-star hotels that ready to serve their specialties to comfort your stay.

Hence, this Hotels In Yogyakarta is made. This application is kind of reference to provide the information and news for tourists that want to stay in Yogyakarta. There are numbers of Hotels and its description, and it can be accessed from iPad and iPhone.

Why waiting, if now you can download this application and choose your best deal to stay in Yogyakarta. It?s a FREE application