Author Topic: TEMPO English Version 2019, January 15 - 21  (Read 3453 times)


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TEMPO English Version 2019, January 15 - 21
| January 17, 2019, 11:01:33 AM

2019, January 15 - 21 --- Tempo

Exposure of the game-rigging scandal in the League 2 Indonesia is tantamount to a public announcement to the world: Indonesian soccer is once again covered in mud, as of old. It is so ironic. The duplicitous act was carried out after the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) last November awarded a bronze medal for "best" competition to the League 1 Indonesia games. What makes it so painful is, the acute ailment recurred just as Indonesian soccer competition was finding its feet again after a vacuum of two years resulting from sanctions from the International Football Federation (FIFA).

These two major rehauls have fallen flat in the hands of PSSI's new management. Not too long ago, a Persija Jakarta supporter died from being beaten up by supporters of Persib Bandung. Game-rigging in the League 2 competitions show up how Indonesian soccer, which is fully supported by the government, bows to the interests of club owners, regional managers, and probably the gambling mafiosi. Aside from fair to middling performances from the junior teams, there have been no outstanding breakthroughs in the management of Edy, who is currently enjoying his position as governor of North Sumatra.

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