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Mahoni.com is a Mobile Application Developer company

Mahoni.com is a Mobile Application Developer company from Indonesia that has been built since 2009. At early begin, we only use a single platform for their application, which was iOS from Apple, Inc. In times, by the increasing of technology and market, Mahoni.com is now running for three platforms: iOS, Android and Windows.

Mahoni.com is confident to be called as a leading mobile applications development company in Indonesia, for they admit that their services in mobile application development is consulting and full of creative innovate. This is become the main important thing for mobile application development company and Mahoni.com is growth in this industry to deliver something valuable and help the artists and those who are willing to accommodate their skill into something that can be sold out.

The Innovation

As a mobile application developer, we never given up to participate to give some more portfolios in our expertise. It is proven in time, that there are more than 100 applications today that already stored in App Store, Google Play and Windows Store.

By the raise of mobile gadget nowadays, Mahoni.com truly believes that there will be millions of applications for this technology in future times. Hence, this brings a mission for us to create as many as applications that can be accessed by iPad & iPhone, Android Tablet & Smartphones and Windows Tablet.

Getting back to the first idea, when we were firstly create a simple thought from a housewife mother who want to have a cook book, it was the first creation that Mahoni.com made; a digital e-book titled 50 Resep Nasi Goreng. Today, not only a single e-book that Mahoni.com can give to the community, but a digital book store, and even a media to publish everyone’s book and magazine. Furthermore, from the simple idea to show how beautiful Indonesia in a glance, We were create an app, called Indonesia Paradise. Now, the beauty of Indonesia in not only can be seen in a blink of an eye. There are more information that show everything about Indonesia, related to Travel categories.

From e-book to book and magazine publishing, from simple slideshow to sophisticated and interactive application, Mahoni.com is now bigger than yesterday and will grow more and more along the increase of the technology.

The Vision

By the technology that now increasingly develops, we visualize ourselves to be the growing developer in case of mobile application for iOS, Android and Windows. This can be assuring those who want to join with Mahoni.com, for they can help to accommodate the partners’ skill to be a working masterpiece in market field.

Moreover, Mahoni.com is build a trusty and highly qualified team, from the designers, the programmers, the editors into the marketing and those who can creatively think forward to make these capabilities bigger. Along this journey, Mahoni.com is also never given up to be a trustful, reliable and well-communicate partner for those who are willing to cooperate with.

By any applications and programs that Mahoni.com has, they do hope to encompass any relation, partner and funder growing together, learning as much as they can and giving more into the community and corporate.

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Jakarta :

Komp. Graha Kencana #DM, Jl. Raya Perjuangan 88, Jakarta
Tel : +62215494049 | Fax : +62215494048 |
Surabaya :
Ruko Rungkut Megah Raya J-11, Jl. Raya Kali Rungkut No. 5 Surabaya
Tel : +62318702211 | Fax : +62318709727 |

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