In Buku BSE application for Android there are more than 1300 text books for Indonesian students with the brand new curriculum and some other text books and references.
Buku BSE 2.0 application for Android is now available in brand new features inside the application, as follows:
- Notes
- Calculator
- Drawing
- Set clock and Alarm
- Batterai
- Converter, for mass, temperature, pressure, speed and more
- Browser (Internet require)
- Annotations, for underline text, making notes, drawing, coloring the text, inserting text and more.
- Cartesian graph, for student to make cartesius graph and mathematical equations
- Share, for sending one particular page or book to friend or colleagues via email.
Buku BSE 2.0 application for Android is available to give advantages for Indonesian students.
Buku BSE 2.0 is also available in iOS for iPad and iPhone, with different appearance yet the same advantages and features.
- And more.