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Indonesia has known as the 'thousands islands' country. Some people divide it into two part, West side and East side. The east side of Indonesia is scattered between Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara and Papua, and long known in abroad as the "Spice Islands", whose once unique cloves and nutmeg drew visitors from all over the world for centuries. Maluku is made up by over a thousand beautiful tropical islands with lush vegetation and unique fauna, stunning beaches and marine life, and very friendly, hospitable people. While, Papua is home to an incredible diversity of flora, fauna and cultures. The rugged terrain and the relatively late coming of the outside world to the island has helped to preserve the unique biological and cultural diversity here better than probably anywhere else in the tropics, though for better or worse, change is accelerating.

EastIndonesia.com will guide you to the recommended tourist destinations in East part of Indonesia. You also will get more trusted information and find those hotels list. Meanwhile, you can also find the trusted travel agents here. Make your trip to Indonesia more enjoyable by get the right web guide!


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