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Majalah Liburan is an Newsstand application for Liburan Magazine. The content is using Bahasa Indonesia and it describe everything about destination that related to the topic manually. Here in Majalah Liburan, there will be valuable information related to the destination that worth to be visited.
By downloading Majalah Liburan, it means we bring our personal guide before we go to pack and it gives a valuable recommendation about the destination.

iZakat is a special application from and Dompet Dhuafa organization, that running for social funding in case of zakat, an alms practice from Islam for the unfortunates.

At this application, there are links related to the activities from Dompet Dhuafa and there are free magazines from the organization related. By this application, the organization wants to enable the partner or the contributor to supervise the fund flow clearly and wants to spread the kindness to other people to join and share their fortune to the unfortunates.

Toko Buku Rohani is a digital newsstand for Christian and Catholic books. There are numbers of books in this application, with different theme and experience. All those books are mostly consist of true story or based on religious figure like Mother Theresa.
The books on Toko Buku Rohani is using Bahasa Indonesia, and it is the best choice of having modern handy reading to fill up the faith and understanding more about Christianity or Catholic.

Toko Buku Rohani

Toko Buku Anak is an application of digital book store that consist of children digital education and  story book. There are number of choices in this application that will help you to have quality time with your beloved before bed, or just having reading time in daily.

The books that included in Toko Buku Anak are all in Bahasa Indonesia and it consist of pictures, detail preview and easy to download. The themes of each book is also interesting to be chosen and it divided into some section reading;  toddlers' books up to 10 years old children.
Not only a story book, there are also educational book that will help your children to grow by understanding some basic knowledge.

East Java is located only half an hour flight from Bali Island. There are bunch of interesting places that can be discover during your vacation; the humble people to meet, the beautiful beaches, the magnificent hills and mountains, the sacred lake and caves, the phenomenal waterfall and the historical sites in some of the area.

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